Thursday, January 31, 2008
They're comin' to take me away aha!
Monday, January 28, 2008
cURe fOr tHe cOMmOn cOld
AND a friend (aka Vintage Girl At Heart) who brings you a basket filled with homemade chicken soup, french bread, yummy muffins and a pile of magazines to read while you're recovering! Really warms a girl's heart and makes her feel loved!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I sought the Lord and He answered me . . .
Again I thank you!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"The impulse of love that leads us to the doorway of a friend is the voice of God within, and we need not be afraid to follow it."
Agnes Sanford
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Eeeeew! A RAT in my house!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
YesterdayI needed to meet the handsome, talented son and his equally talented, beautiful fiance in town to give them some books that had been delivered here that they needed for class last night. They suggested that I meet them at Goodwill (have I raised that boy right, or what?!). They both found an armfull of clothes. A set of linen napkins with cross stitched roses found me!
Well, I must get back to my real job. In case you haven't figured it out yet, it is perfectly acceptable for you to wait hours on end to see a doctor, but a doctor waits for NOTHING! So it's back to transcribing for me. But, before I sign off, I have to show you perhaps my (actually OUR because MWHITW spotted it first) best yardsale find(so far this year anyhow) at a rock bottom price of $60 . It is much too large for this house, but there is a perfect spot for it in the Goldens Creek house and MWHITW and I have already planned to make a joint project of doing some sanding and staining so it will "match" our antique table (a yard sale find) and chairs (flea market finds on a trip to Webster with my Junque Systers). Ahhhhhh. Life is good.
Have a wonderful, blessed day!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Out with the old . . . .
OK. So the living room looked so good I decided to go ahead and declutter the dining area as well by emptying and moving the china hutch out of the room. We have a very small dining area and the hutch made it look even smaller. It really did open up the space and gives us much more room to walk around the table.
I printed and framed some photos that MWHITW and I had taken when we were in Kentucky (one in the spring and on in the fall) and hung them in place of one of my antique samplers. It's a little more "generic" but still a part of us.
All in all, I feel as though we have accomplished something. The "great room" and entry way are ready and "staged". It looks great, it's comfy and cozy and everyone that has seen it so far has givin it two thumbs up. I still have the feeling that I'm walking into the wrong house. Of course little Ms. Brigitte has found a way to rememdy that by finding a new welcome spot which enables her to greet people from a new vantage point when they come through the door. Like I said . . . a picture is worth a thousand words . . .
Have a wonderful, blessed weekend!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Now we can use words like "hollow", "ridge", "mountain", "creek", "pasture", "ponds", "view" and "land" to describe what will soon be our home. There is a small fixer-upper house on the property. It is in definite need of "a mother and father's love". Our plans are to fix it up and live in it while we are building a house on the ridge. I have no words to describe the look on MWHITW's face when we had ventured across the creek and up over the hill to the ridge. I knew at that very moment that we were home. The view is beautiful - even on a dreary, overcast winter's day when there are no leaves on the trees. It's not hard to imagine what it will look like in the spring or the fall. And I knew at that very moment that we wouldn't be living in the little house for very long. One look at my husband's face told me where the new house would sit on the ridge, which direction it would face and how happy we would be there - looking down over the creek and the pastures while sitting our front porch swing.
Lifestyle changes? You bet! A new adventure? There is no doubt! Stay tuned for the next chapter and plan to accompany us on our journey to Goldens Creek Road.