I've been tagged by Adrienne at With a Grateful Heart to share seven weird or random facts about myself.
First I have to post the rules. Then I tell you about me - what you may (or may not) want to know. The rules are:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
OK. Here goes!
1. I eat ketchup on my macaroni and cheese. Doesn't matter if it's homemade or from the blue box, I put ketchup on it. My son thinks this is hilarious - this coming from a child who was 16 before he'd eat green beans without a side of barbecue sauce!
2. My first "real" job (other than babysitting) was a combination lifeguard/dishwasher at a summer camp. There were two of us who would alternate every other week - one week at the pool, the next week in the kitchen. We made a whoppin' $15 per week plus room and board!
3. While I was working at the camp, I got to sing "on stage" with Kenny Marks. This was back in the dark ages when contemporary Christian music was in its infancy. He was making a name for himself by singing at camps and Christian coffee houses and for church youth groups. You can imagine the group of starry-eyed teenage girls ready to swoon when he asked us to join him on stage for a couple songs. He actually borrowed some sheet music from me that summer but forgot to return it. I went to see him later that year at a church in my home town. He actually remembered me and asked me to meet him at the stage after the concert so he could return my music to me!
4. I used to make costumes for Medieval Times Dinner Theater. Not the beautiful costumes that the king or queen wore. Once in a while I did get to make an occasional costume for the knights. I made costumes for the BIG stars of the show! The horses! I'm not sure exactly HOW I got stuck doing the horse trappings. I think it could be because I had the only sewing machine that would sew through the pleather they used at that time. Hey, I needed a second job. Beggars can't be choosers!
5. I dated John Hancock when I was in high school. Really! OK, I dated the guy who PLAYED the part of John Hancock in our high school presentation of the musical 1776.
6. I'm the youngest cousin on my dad's side of the family. I had first cousins who were up to 60 years older than me. Daddy was the youngest of 7 children - actually born on one of his half sisters' 30th birthday. I was a "surprise" when my parents were 43. You do the math. It was definitely a novelty at family reunions.
7. I met my husband on a blind date. We had a mutual friend who'd had a stroke. Terry couldn't remember his name half the time, but he did remember that he wanted to fix his fishing buddy up with that friend of his wife's who worked at the hospital (couldn't remember my name either). After several weeks of playing "dodge ball" figuring he'd eventually forget about it, we all decided that the best thing to do was to all go out to dinner together and get it over with. I was a year out of a bad 15 year marriage and had absolutely NO interest in dating. Tony had come to Florida to work for his parents after being laid off from his job of 7 years and was ready to pack up and go back to NY because he hated it down here and he wasn't really interested in meeting anyone either. But, we all went out to dinner - just to make Terry happy. That was on August 19, 1994. On November 19, 1994 Terry walked me down the aisle on Tony's and my wedding day!
Well, that's about as random as I can get. It's probably not as weird as I can get, but we won't venture down that path.
Since nearly all of my new friends from the land of blog have already been tagged in the not so distant past, I won't officially tag anyone except for
Sharron at Vintage Girl at Heart. For the rest of you, please feel free to leave a random, weird, or little known fact or two about yourself in my comments.